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+1 631-568-3481

60 Min
Just With Us !

Bedouin Tents

Join us in a Bedouin tent! An authentic, traditional tent with all the characteristics of a Bedouin desert dwelling will come to your camp/school. For the first time, you will have the opportunity to experience an authentic desert atmosphere, take pictures, eat, talk, and relax in a special tent that comes from the desert especially to you! You will be able to learn about the nomadic Arab life in the Middle East.

A wonderful addition to our “Pita Making Workshop” or “Drum Circle”.

*Extra large tent for up to 100 people

We have visited over 100 camps/schools in the past - with raving reviews!

Want to hear more details?
Fill out the form and we will get back to you

רוצים לשמוע עוד פרטים?
השאירו פרטים ונחזור בהקדם


Listen, I want to tell you that was just amazing! You may be used to a larger audience, but we still had a really good experience.

So far there haven't been a lot of kids in the action but you've really played it well!Even my husband and I were impressed  and I also heard from other parents who really enjoyed themselves! Thank you thank you thank you

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